Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Unexpected

This morning started out a tiny bit stinky.  Mike had to work which was stinky.  I needed to go for a seven mile run which was also kind of stinky, but doable.  But the biggest stinky part of today was that we had an appointment with a plumber.  An appointment that Mike couldn't be here for *sigh* 

The reason we had an appointment with the plumber is that our sewer has been acting up again for like the 7,493rd time.  Last fall we replaced a large portion of our sewer line.  The way our house is situated on our lot, we have about 140 feet of sewer line with two 90 degree turns.  We also have two trees.  We had a tree root clog which had things backed up so that the shower wouldn't drain.  We had to call a different plumber than we usually use & this new guy has a bit of a different method (of course).  He started looking at our line where it goes into the street.  This area hasn't been examined before.  The clean out that he uncovered seems to be full of dirt.  In other words, somehow or other it appears that the sewer line has either been crushed or come apart & then clogged with dirt.  This would allow our sewer to drain but it would be very slow because it would have to seep through the dirt.  This could explain why our washer takes such a long time to drain.  *sigh*

So...that was some unexpected news.  And it's going to be another unexpected project with a decent sized extra bill.  I have been reminded once again that though these things are unexpected to Mike & me, it's not a surprise for the Lord.  He's prepared & He has helped prepare us.  We won't have to be selling a car or eating ramen for a month to pay our plumber's bill; the Lord has been good to provide a lot of overtime for Mike.  It's been tough to have him working so much, but now we can see a reason for it. 

Hopefully by this time Tuesday we will have another section of this sewer thing dealt with.  Little by little we are going to get there!  And by God's grace I'll be able to control my urge to pack up & move away when things go awry *grin*


Unknown said...

Yikes! That is a disappointment. But I'm glad that the Lord is giving you a perspective of His sovereignty and faithfulness in the midst!

Mary Ann said...

Alicia, the Lord is so good to help me keep my perspective of Himself in my circumstances. I absolutely could not do it on my own :-)